1 week!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Dear Lil Sprout,

A week from now, we will know if you are a boy or a girl! (Permitting that you are a nice fetus and let the kind ultrasound tech get a good look...  I'd suggest doing that because you will never live it down otherwise!)  I think the reason this is so exciting is, I think, that it will make you feel more like a person (rather than just the resident alien who is camped out in my uterus).  Once you have a gender (or I should say once we know what it is), you'll also have a real name, either Natalie or Lucas. (As much as I love Sprout, I'd never do that to you. :P) We'll be able to plan out your nursery, buy you little outfits, and register for things. :)  I'm sooooo excited! :)  I hope the next week goes by super fast!




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