You are a girl!

Friday, January 15, 2016

Dear Little Goomba,

You are a baby GIRL!  Your name is going to be Natalie!  I was so excited to hear that you are a girl because I have always wanted one of each.  I have already started shopping for you, and girl stuff is so much fun!  Everything is so sweet, cute, and pretty.  Eek.  I'm going to go broke!

Being pregnant with you is definitely very different than being pregnant with your brother.  You apparently don't have a calendar to know that "morning" sickness was supposed to end with the first trimester, so this is just a friendly reminder. :)

It has also been fun being a teacher while pregnant.  My students are so excited about you, and they want to know all about you. :)  I just hope you don't make it too hard on me to teach them toward the end of the semester.

Stay cozy, little lady.  We are so excited for you!



You have a fan club. :)

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Dear Little Goomba,

Today, we saw you for the second time.  You are 7 weeks and 5 days old.  Your heart rate is 167. :)  We told the world about you! (aka Facebook)  People are so excited that you exist, and so are we!  I loved seeing your little heart flicker up on the screen.

I've been sicker with you than I was with your brother, so it has been a pretty rough time.  I hope that we will be feeling better soon.  I'm wondering if you are a girl because of the old wive's tales about high heart rates and more sickness with girls.  I can't wait to find out who you are!

Stay nice and cozy. :)



Hello, Little Goomba

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Dear Little Goomba,

I've been afraid to write to you even though I've known about you since October 20.  After losing my last pregnancy, I was so afraid I'd lose you, too.  Now, I've been through some blood work, and am now feeling quite crappy and nauseated, so I feel a little bit safer, though I will never feel totally safe because the miscarriage robbed me of that blind happiness and innocence.

We are so excited to have you!  We prayed for you so hard every day, and we have even more so since we found out about you.  We call you our little "Goomba" because Goombas are a Mario character, and Daddy and I are big Mario fans...  But what I really call you is my rainbow.  Please shine on and hang on so you can meet us.  We are thrilled about you!



Too beautiful for earth...

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Dear Second Little Sprout,

I haven't written you until this point like I did your older brother because I think I knew, on some level, that you were not meant to stay with us.  The jumble of a mix of positive and negative pregnancy tests put a warning sign in to my head, and then when the first blood test required me to go back for a second to see if the numbers had improved, my hope wavered.  When the doctor called only a few days after I first learned about you to tell me that I was losing you (today), I already knew what was happening, though I tried to hold onto brief glimmers of hope.

It's so difficult because so few people knew about you, which means there are fewer people to tell...  But I also feel very alone.  People try to say the right thing, but they don't.  I don't want to think about how "Everything happens for a reason" or how there will be other chances and other babies or it wasn't the right time...  Those comments hurt because you were very real, and I hoped you would be the one to complete our family.

There was a small part of me that has wished I hadn't known I was pregnant in the first place because then I wouldn't be in this pain, but I also don't want to pretend like you never happened.  You were very much wanted.  Even though you could not stay with us here, I know I will always wonder who you could have been...  Whether you were a boy or a girl...  Would you have looked like your big brother?  What was wrong that you had to go?

You were part of me, of us, even if it was very briefly.  You will not be forgotten.  You were loved, and you still are.



Meeting you soon!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Dear Lil Sprout,

Well, you listened to my "get out" in a roundabout way.  We went to the regular OB appointment today, and my blood pressure is high...  So, Dr. Hill wants to get you out tomorrow.  I'm so dazed and excited and scared all at the same time!  I went after the appointment and wandered around Target for a while.  I bought paper plates, disposable utensils, napkins, and random Christmas things like garland for outside, a tree skirt, wrapping paper, and cat toys...   Ha.  It's like I'm afraid I won't ever leave the house again once you come (though I know your grandmothers would be more than willing to look after you to let me go somewhere).

We will start being induced at 6 a.m., so we should be meeting you tomorrow!  It's Election Day, but I had no desire to vote in this election anyway, so that's fine by me.  I just don't want you to be born a politician. :P

Daddy and I are going to go have a nice dinner tonight and have our last "pre-parent" date.

Seriously can't believe I'm going to be a mommy tomorrow...  Wow!!



Eviction notice

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Dear Little Sprout,

Please get out.  Now.  Thanks. :)



The finish line...

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Dear Lil Sprout,

Well, you have done a good job listening to me.  I hope that's a sign of things to come. :P  If you stick around inside until Monday, you will officially be term at 37 weeks.  Great job!  So...  Feel free to start packing your bags and start heading for the exit. :P  I think we would both be more comfortable!  You keep sticking your leg/foot/something up in my side, and that's not so comfy.  You've been mooning me by sticking your butt up into my stomach, too.  I think you're frustrated about running out of room like I'm frustrated that it takes me forever and some pain even to sit up!

I wonder when you will come.  Your daddy and I have had a few nice date evenings lately, and I wonder which will be the last before we are officially parents.  I'm trying to enjoy this time, but I'm really just so excited to meet you that I can't stand it!

Soon, you'll be in my arms, little guy.  I love you so much already.


Mommy :)